Go structs
By Will Andrews
This post will go through the use of Structs in Go and give an understanding of what they are used for.
What’s the point of Go structs?
Let’s say the data types provided to us aren’t enough, and we want to create our own. Ones that have different properties of various types.
Imagine we have a person. This person has a name, age, occupation and height. Well we can create a struct that’s a person and then use this in our code.
Creating a struct
It’s easy to create:
type person struct {
name string
occupation string
age int32
height float32
Using a struct
There are a few ways of using a struct you’ve created, like there are a few ways of creating normal variables.
1: Create a variable and then populate the properties after.
func main() {
var aPerson person
aPerson.name = "Will"
aPerson.occupation = "Software developer"
aPerson.age = 28
aPerson.height = 180
2: Create a reference to a person variable. Note that you have to use the * to print the value of the person. If you don’t you print the address of the reference.
func main() {
aPerson := new(person)
aPerson.name = "Will"
aPerson.occupation = "Software developer"
aPerson.age = 28
aPerson.height = 180
3: Create a new variable and initialize it at the same time.
func main() {
aPerson := person{
name: "Will",
occupation: "Software developer",
age: 28,
height : 180,
Models package
Sometimes it’s useful to create a package with multiple structs in it that can be used in different packages. Remember if you want something to be exportable, when giving it a name, it needs to start with a capital letter!!
Let’s create a models package and give it some structs:
package models
type Person struct {
Name string
Occupation string
Age int32
Height float32
type House struct {
Number int32
Street string
Town string
Now we can import this package into our main package and use it.
package main
import (
func main() {
aPerson := models.Person{
Name: "Will",
Occupation: "Software developer",
Age: 28,
Height: 180,
aHouse := models.House{
Number: 22,
Street: "This street",
Town: "Some town",
This will output the following:
{Will Software developer 28 180}
{22 This street Some town}
So that’s how to create your own structs and how to use them.